The past few weeks I have been intentional about having my youngest help me in the kitchen. Now they all help with the cleaning up in the kitchen, they have been doing that since they were little 😉 I am referring to the cooking!
I haven’t always made a conscious effort to ‘teach them to cook’. Every now and then they will come in and help with meal preparation or want to bake something. But it has not been a regular event.
We always have pancakes on a Saturday. So a few weeks ago I asked my youngest if she would like to help me. She responded with great enthusiasm and is now my designated helper with Saturday’s pancakes. She is well on the way to preparing the batter herself. Then she started taking over from me and her big sisters with making their morning smoothies. Once her morning jobs were done, she would ask if she could make the smoothie. She does a great job at this and only needs help to grab our frozen bananas out of the freezer.
The past two weeks or so, I have been making a couple of Trim Healthy Mama Chocolate Muffins for us to share for our morning snack. Because she is finished her maths lessons before our break time, she has been helping me with these.
A couple of days ago, I looked up from teaching a maths lesson to one of her sisters, to find her preparing our THM choc muffins. She was remembering all the ingredients and the amounts and measuring and mixing all on her own. She had only helped me a couple of times! I was so blessed by this!
I was reminded of when I was a young mother, I used to think that I needed to have a recipe written out for them in child friendly language on a special recipe card for them to follow, before they could really learn to cook (see my perfectionism creeping in?). How wrong I was!
She already has several recipes “in her head” that she can prepare on her own.
In case you are wondering, the girls had theirs with Natural Yoghurt and sugar free choc chips. Mine cottage cheese and a ‘Special Choc Topping’ 😉
Oh, how sweet!