Our daily routine or schedule changes from term to term, and sometimes it changes a couple of times each term. Thought I would post what our day looks like at the moment.
5am – I am usually up and having my quiet time, Bible reading then computer work or school planning.
6am – Everyone else is beginning to wake up and I drag myself away from my desk and onto my jobs for the day.
7am – Ensure that everyone is completing their morning chores.
8am – If we haven’t already, we begin our Morning Basket – you can read about that here.
9am – Maths lessons begin – I rotate through each girl with her maths lessons, the others work on any of their independent work.
10am – Morning Break – snack for all, then the girls play outside while I read a chapter or two of Pollyanna*. Then call everyone back in and we move onto the language arts part of the morning. I begin with my youngest, we work her reading lessons and I read her a few picture books**.
11am – I am nearly finishing up with my youngest now. Then I work with my middle girl, she reads aloud to me, we do spelling lessons and I read Understood Betsy to her for about 15 minutes. Then I work with my oldest. Spelling, Latin and then I read from either the Witch of Blackbird Pond*** or Margaret Catchpole.
12pm – Finishing up here with my oldest. Youngest is usually playing quietly in their room or listening to audio books. My middle girl is finishing up her independent work. Then I prepare lunch, usually with the help of my youngest.
1pm – We enjoy a relaxed lunch, knowing that most of our work is complete. If we have a light afternoon ahead and all the mornings work is complete, then we will do our French lesson here and then move onto Ancient History. Otherwise if we were interrupted during our morning, we will finish off our morning lessons here.
2pm – Finishing up our history lesson and preparing for extracurricular activities, if we have any that day.
3pm – Sport or music lessons or free time, depending on the day.
4pm – same as 3pm
5pm – Preparing dinner and bringing in the washing (yes we hang our washing outside to dry), while checking messages and school marking or planning. The girls are usually playing and enjoying free time, and then get cleaned up before dinner.
6pm – Dinner and talking about our day, sometimes family games. Clean up from dinner.
7pm – Family read aloud – currently Little House In the Big Woods, then bed for the girls. They read in bed for half an hour before going to sleep. I usually do any computer work during this time.
8pm – Lights out and girls usually go straight to sleep. I read now (no screens this close to bedtime, or I can’t get to sleep) and have time with hubby.
9pm – Bed zzzzzzzz
* I am reading Pollyanna because I have never read the story before. This will be on my oldest’s reading list for next year. Oh I am so enjoying this book! I often exclaim “Oh you will love this book!” or “Oh you will so enjoy Pollyanna!”
** I don’t mean just any picture books here. I have weeded out most of our twaddle picture books and now we are left with mostly living books here.
- A quick definition of a living book – one that you enjoy reading to your child.
- A quick definition of twaddle – one that you sigh about having to read, or that is boring when you are reading it.
Even though my youngest has a great attention span and loves longer chapter books, it is still very important for me to make the time to read these picture books to her. Picture books aren’t limited to the preschool crowd. I mean, really, who wouldn’t love to read a wonderfully written story with beautiful pictures? Usually my middle girl will come over and join us to listen in. And, my girls all know mummy’s favourite picture books 😉 There are just too many wonderful living picture books, and I don’t want to waste them by leaving them on our shelves collecting dust.
*** Don’t be fooled, this book is not about a witch. I won’t say anymore about it.