Allowing the Holy Spirit to Work in Us

“The Blood and the Spirit always bear testimony together. Where the blood is honored in faith or preaching, there the Spirit works; and where He works, He always leads souls to the blood. The Holy Spirit could not be given until the blood was shed. The living bond between the Spirit and the blood cannot be broken.” Andrew Murray

In my morning devotions I am reading through Andrew Murray’s The Practice of God’s Presence.


This week I have been reading Redemption by Blood and this morning it struck me about our faith in that blood:

“We must firmly believe that He is in us, carrying on His work in our hearts. We must live as those who know that the Spirit of God really dwells within, as a seed of life, and He will bring to perfection the hidden, powerful effects of the blood. We must allow Him to lead us.”

Once we have asked Him to live in us, He is there. We must believe! It is so easy to believe when we first give our hearts to Him. It is so easy to believe as we come away from church on a Sunday and we have poured out our adoration of Him in worship and been filled with righteous thoughts to lead us on our path for the week ahead.

But when we are coming to the end of our week and we are swamped with chaos in our homes, in our work, in our relationships, do we still believe? When we haven’t achieved all we hoped to accomplish on our to do list, and the weeks end is nearing. When we spoke harshly or in haste to a loved one and we play over the conversation, again and again in our mind, do we still believe?

His Spirit is living in us. Working in us. Take a moment out of the chaos and mess around you and remember that He sent His Spirit to dwell in us. He is right there, with us. Just breathe Him in and allow His peace to wash over you.

Andrew Murray goes on to say:

“Through the Spirit, the blood will cleanse us, sanctify us, and unite us to God. When Peter wanted to urge believers to listen to God’s voice with His call to holiness, “Be holy, for I am holy” (1 Pet. 1:16), he reminded them that they had been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ.”

This applies to us as well. We too have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus. We don’t need to wait to be filled up by our weekly church meeting on a Sunday. We have Him with us. Always. Every day.

I will leave you with one more quote from Murray:

“It should be seriously noticed that, if the full power of the blood is to be manifested in our souls, we must place ourselves under the teaching of the Holy Spirit.”

How are you allowing yourself to be under the teaching of the Holy Spirit during your days?

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