Ready for a challenge?
Since the sun began to rise earlier in Spring 2015, so did I. Some mornings I was up as early as 3:30am! Most mornings I was rising between 4:00 and 4:30am.
I love that early morning quiet. I enjoy spending time with the Lord before the rest of the world, where I live, is awake. Except for the company of the kookaburras singing in the old gum tree out the back. Yup! It’s not just a song lol. That is my early morning reality 🙂
So even though I have been waking up earlier, I am not always going to bed earlier to compensate. So some days, I am really tired.
Today I came across the Go-to-Bed Challenge created by Beth over at Red and Honey, thanks to Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom who posted the challenge on her blog.
The original challenge began on January 14th, but don’t let that put you off, it can be started any time. In fact Crystal is starting on Monday, 1st February. New month, new beginnings! Sounds good to me 🙂
So I am joining! I really need to get to bed earlier consistently.
8:30pm is my get ready for bed time, and 9pm is lights out. That may sound early for you, so pick a time that is good for you. It is a good idea to plan enough sleep and the recommended amount per night for adults is between 7 and 9 hours. I won’t be setting an alarm to wake up by, haven’t done that in years. So if I go to bed consistently at 9pm each night, then I know my body will adjust and I will wake at the right time. I will be able to determine the right amount of sleep for me in this stage of life. If you have babies or toddlers that wake you during the night, your sleep requirements will different, just work out what is best for your stage of life.
Michael Hyatt also posted about getting to sleep at a decent hour each night too. You can read his post here. Michael explains his night time ritual to help him sleep well. There is no point laying in bed for the recommended amount of hours if you are awake, struggling to fall asleep. Definitely worth a read!
So if you go to Red and Honey, you can subscribe to receive daily emails for the next 21 days to encourage you and help you along the way. She even has a checklist that you can tick off each night you go to bed at the right time. Don’t we all love a checklist?!
So are you going to join me? Post a comment below to let me know me.
I’m usually in bed by 7pm these days and asleep by about 8:30! lol
You have this one sorted! Doesn’t sound like you need a Go to Bed Challenge lol